It’s a city-wide celebration of farm-fresh, local food in Washington, DC schools the week of October 3rd-7th, 2011. The week will kick-start National Farm to School Month in October.
Who's organizing the week?
The D.C. Farm to School Network at Arcadia is coordinating D.C. Farm to School Week, in conjunction with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Wellness & Nutrition Services, schools, and other community partners.
How can schools participate?
Schools can coordinate hands-on food and farm activities for students during the week, and spread the word about the week to their school communities. We'll help do both! We'll also work with your school's food service provider to make sure that seasonal, local foods are featured in your school meals during the week. Registration is now closed for this year, but stay in touch to learn about other upcoming events, and join us at the D.C. Farm to School Week Kick-off celebration.
How are schools highlighting healthy, local food in school meals?
Schools can incorporate farm-fresh food in school meals by serving a seasonal recipe, featuring a local food on the salad bar, or showcasing a different local food each day. They can spread the word about these farm-fresh options by hanging up signs, printing creative menus, or putting up table tents in the cafeterias.
What hands-on food and farm activities can schools coordinate?
Schools can coordinate educational activities that engage students in the process of growing, preparing or eating healthy, local food. We are helping schools:
How do I know if my school is participating?
We have a map of participating schools on this website that are coordinating food and farm activities for students, to get them excited about the farm to table process. But all DCPS schools and many public charter schools will highlight local foods as part of healthy, delicious school meals during the week. Check out your school's menu.
How can I sponsor the event?
We need your support in order to make D.C. Farm to School Week a success! Visit our Sponsor page where you'll find our sponsor packet with sponsorship levels. Contact Andrea at andrea[at]dcfarmtoschool[dot]org for more information.
How can I get more information?
Contact Andrea Northup at andrea[at]dcfarmtoschool[dot]org for more information.